When I Started Generating Bookkeeping Business Leads I Focused on Putting Myself Out There

bookkeeping bookkeeping business Dec 13, 2023
Bookkeeping Business Leads

As bookkeepers, we tend to focus on the numbers - meticulous spreadsheets, flawless formulas, and carefully maintained data. When I started my company, I found that looking for bookkeeping business leads still involved numbers, but with a drastically different approach involving: 

  • Putting myself out there to a larger number of people
  • Crafting an elevator pitch no longer than 30 seconds 
  • Finding several communities where I could build strong relationships 
  • Planning multiple channels for customers to find my services 

After helping thousands of bookkeepers, tax professionals, and entrepreneurs launch, grow and scale their businesses, I’ve learned there’s no big secret to finding bookkeeping business leads. It’s simply consistent effort and readiness to go beyond our comfort zones! 

Put Yourself Out There

When starting my business, whether I was meeting a family member, former colleague, or thanking the plumber who just fixed my kitchen sink… I made sure they knew I was available to help new clients.

If you’re not used to putting yourself out there, it may feel a bit awkward at first. But the more you practice, the more natural it feels. 

You don’t need to talk anyone’s ear off, just use a 30-second elevator pitch. 

What’s an Elevator Pitch? 

Ask most seasoned entrepreneurs, and they’ll be able to tell you their elevator pitch. But what are the key ingredients in an effective elevator pitch? 

Here’s what I’ve learned to include when creating an elevator pitch that brings in bookkeeping business leads: 

  • A brief summary of what you can offer to build a genuine connection with the person you’re talking to.
  • Focus on solutions, not a list of services. Show what you can do to make their business lives better. 
  • Focus on your potential client, not your business. Highlight what benefits your work has to offer, instead of focusing on features. 
  • Keep it to 30 seconds so you can invite interest and keep the conversation comfortable.

As an example, here’s what I said which successfully generated leads:

“I help small business owners reduce their stress and make faster and better decisions to help their business grow by providing bookkeeping and accounting services.”

My elevator pitch was quick, to the point, and resonated because most business owners are looking for ways to reduce their stress and make better decisions.

Now it’s your turn! Take a few minutes to craft your elevator pitch. 

If You Want Bookkeeping Business Leads, Help Customers Find You

Consider where your ideal clients spend their time and make an effort to be there, ready with your elevator pitch!

  • Events: You might find small business owners at industry-specific trade shows, local Chamber of Commerce events, or civic organizations such as Kiwanis and Rotary. 
  • Volunteering: Supporting entrepreneurs is a terrific way to build a network with up-and-coming businesses and other mentors in your community. SCORE is the largest network of volunteer expert business mentors in the United States, and has local chapters where you can help small businesses to launch and grow. 
  • Hosting In-Person or Virtual Bookkeeping Workshops: A low-cost way to build trust with high-potential clients who are interested in bookkeeping services. 
  • Referrals: Ask existing clients for referrals, and build strategic alliances with other businesses to share referrals. 

Embrace the Digital World for Bookkeeping Business Leads 

It’s important to consider where your niche clients spend their time online and make sure your marketing is tailored to their digital habits. 

  • Does your key demographic spend their time on Instagram or TikTok? 
  • Would your potential clients be likely to go to an online marketplace, such as Upwork or Paro, for their business needs? 
  • Are you working with folks who prefer to spend as much time offline as possible, and only use emails and search engines? 

While many people think about social media and optimizing their websites, there are many more options to consider when finding online bookkeeping business leads:

  • Job boards can be monitored regularly for positions that are a good fit. 
  • Relevant online directories, see my list here
  • Content marketing such as blogging, case studies, creating bookkeeping guides, and social media. Any content that is useful to potential clients can position you as a thought leader and improve your search engine rankings. 
  • Email lists for direct communication with people interested in your services. 
  • Paid advertising which is geared at your niche, whether online such as social media ads, or in person such as signage.  

You Don’t Have to Search for Bookkeeping Business Leads on Your Own

Putting yourself out there can be a daunting task, but it makes a massive difference when generating business leads. If you want consistent support to build your confidence and expertise, join the thousands of folks I’ve supported as a bookkeeping business coach

Visit the Bookkeepers Ignite website to learn more!

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